
Upcoming events

  • September 8-9 2025, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London

    SIMM-seminar 11 in collaboration with Chair Jonet/CESAMM: London 2025 (research on social art(s) practice)

    Together with Guildhall School of Music & Drama and the SIMM research network, the Academic Chair Jonet/CESAMM-Centre for Social Action and Music Making organizes the 11th SIMM research seminar (Guildhall School, London, 8 and 9 September 2025) which will bring together scholars doing research on the role of different art disciplines (music, theatre, music theatre, opera, dance, visual arts, curating arts, design, circus) within participatory social and community projects. The facilitators of the seminar will be Prof. Dr. An De bisschop (Chair Jonet, Ghent University, BE), Prof. Sean Gregory (Guildhall School), Dr. Brigitte Herremans (Human Rights Centre, Ghent University, BE), Dr. Sophie Hope (Guildhall School), and Prof. Dr. Lukas Pairon (SIMM & Chair Jonet).

Past events

  • September 9-11 2024, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London: Research seminar on participatory opera and music theatre projects -aimed at artistic and academic researchers who are doing research in this field. The research seminar takes place at Guildhall School of Music & Drama (London), and is organized by CESAMM, Guildhall School of Arts and SIMM. Supervised Lukas Pairon and An De bisschop.
  • September 23 2024, Concertgebouw Brugge: HUB-meeting#5: Symposium Participatie in de kunsten. Praktijken-weerstanden-toekomsten. In samenwerking met Concertgebouw Brugge, Impulscentrum Musica en tal van andere organisaties actief in participatieprojecten en werkingen in de kunsten organiseert CESAMM deze symposium-dag
  • June 5-June 7 2024, Muziektheater LOD, Ghent: 3 day workshop on co-creation in opera and music theatre for ENOA, the European Network of Opera Academies. This workshop was aimed at professional artists in the field, and was facilitated by An De bisschop & An Van den Bergh.
  • April 15-17 2024, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London: Research seminar on music composition in participatory music projects -aimed at artistic and academic researchers working around this theme in their research projects. The research seminar takes place at Guildhall School of Music & Drama (London), and is organized by SIMM, Guildhall School of Arts and CESAMM. Supervised by Toby Young, Lukas Pairon and An De bisschop.
  • March 17-May 6 2024, Antwerp/Ghent: Practice-based training for musicians who already have some experience in participatory music projects and want to learn from an experienced musical coach. It will be taught by Paul Griffiths (lecturer in Musical Leadership, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London) and coached by An De bisschop. This in-service training is organized by CESAMM ism Antwerp Symphony Orchestra, and ties in with ASO's Remix XXL project. The call for participants can be found on the Training page of this website. 
  • February-June 2024, Ghent University, Ghent: course in Music and Social Action for undergraduate students in musicology (UGent) and students from other fields as electives.
  • February 2 2024, De Centrale, Ghent: HUB-meeting#4: Skills and competences in participatory music projects. Inspiration moment for musicians and music facilitators. The programme of this practitioners event can be found on the Public Debate page of this website.
  • November 28, 2023, Antwerp, De Singel (11am-1pm): co-founder of the chair De Singel organizes the first annual meeting where musicians and social workers who are (or want to be) active in social participatory music projects in the region of Antwerp and surroundings can meet.
  • November 20 - 23, 2023, Brisbane, Australia: 8th international SIMMposium organized by Queensland Conservatory Research Centre ism CESAMM. Presentations a.o. by An De bisschop & Jo Gibson (research Music for Social Impact).
  • June 22, 2023, Brussels, Flagey (14h-16h): co-founders of the Chair Brussels Philharmonic and Klarafestival organize the first annual meeting where musicians and social workers who are active (or want to be active) in social participatory music projects in the Brussels region and surroundings can meet.
  • June 19, 2023, Ghent, HA' Concerts, Ghent (14h-17h): co-founders of the De Centrale chair and HA'Concerts organize the first annual meeting where musicians and social workers can meet each other who are active (or want to be active) in social participatory music projects in the region of Ghent and surroundings.
  • June 12 tem 14, 2023, Barcelona, Gran Teatro del Liceu: research seminar by SIMM ism CESAMM for researchers interested in exchanging experiences, ideas and research results on participatory musical theater and opera projects. Supervised by Lukas Pairon.
  • May 5, 2023, Leuven, LUCA School of Arts: 'Bridging the Gap' - mini-symposium organized by Filip Verneert around the question "How can artistic-pedagogical strategies using musical improvisation in social music projects and formal music education inspire each other?".
  • March 27, 2023, Ghent, Muziekcentrum De Bijloke: 'Homo Ludens' - An De bisschop and Filip Verneert give lecture 'Homo Ludens' on the role of play and improvisation in participatory music projects.
  • March 17, 2023, Concertgebouw Brugge / Klara Festival, Bruges : An De bisschop presents international comparative research on the work of musicians in participatory music projects during Echo, the annual States General of Classical Music.
  • December 12 -14, 2022, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London: 7th international SIMMposium ism CESAMM and with presentations by An De bisschop, Filip Verneert and Lukas Pairon.
  • December 7, 2022, Ha' Concerts, Ghent: international conference "Play Ground: on the social impact of making music," organized by Play Ground (European Jazz Network) & An De bisschop & Anemone van Zijl of Hogeschool Gent. Gillian Howell gave a keynote speech and the results were presented of the three-year international research project Music for Social Impact.
  • September 5 - 8 2022, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London: Research seminar for researchers interested in exchanging experiences, ideas and research findings on what music is presented and created in the context of participatory music projects. Organized by SIMM, Guildhall School of Music & Drama and CESAMM.