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Prof. dr. Francis Maes (Ghent University, Faculty of Arts & Philosophy, Department of Art, Music and Theatre Sciences)

Prof. dr. An De bisschop (Ghent University & University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Ghent) is a visiting professor at Ghent University and currently the Chairholder of the Academic Chair Jonet. As an educator, she specializes in participatory arts practices, which was the topic of her Phd research in Belgium & South Africa. At KASK-Conservatory Ghent, she teaches courses about arts education and participatory arts in the educational master's programs in the arts. At Gent University, she teaches Music and Social Action and is involved in diverse research projects. Her main domains of interest for both research and teaching are participatory arts, social impact & music, and teacher training in the arts.

Drs. Tina Reynaert (Ghent University)works as a professional pianist (Albums "Mimes" & "The Hour of the Wolf") and as an artistic-facilitator in intercultural participatory music practices ("The Scratch Band" & "Inanga Jazz"). Since November 2023, she started as an FWO Fellow researcher at the Jonet Chair (UGent) with a focus on artistic methodology and output in intercultural participatory music practices in relation to musical and social inclusion of participants.

Prof. dr. Lukas Pairon (Ghent University) is the founder and was first chairholder of the Academic Chair Jonet. As a senior research fellow at School of Arts Ghent (2012-2016) he developped his PhD research (UGent, Doctoral Department Development and Conflict Studies) on possible social impacts of social music projects proposed to young people living in difficult surroundings. He did his PhD-research in Kinshasa, and in 24-25 develops a postdoctoral research there for the Institute of Sociology of Jena University (co-supervisors: Hartmut Rosa, Jena University, and Olivier Hamant, Lyon University). Lukas was also the first general director of the contemporary music ensemble Ictus, and he is the founder and general manager of the international research network SIMM.

Prof. dr. Luc Nijs (Ghent University & University of Luxembourg) is associate professor in Early Childhood Music Education at the University of Luxembourg, and as visiting professor he is also affiliated with the IPEM at Ghent University. Luc is a musician, researcher and teacher focusing on the development of innovative (technology-supported) movement-based approaches to instrumental music teaching and learning. The integration of theoretical, empirical and practical research is an important thread throughout his work.

Dr. Filip Verneert is Doctor of the Arts and Master in Psychological & Educational Studies (KU Leuven), did a postgraduate program in Psychotherapy -Systems Therapy (KU Leuven) and studied jazzguitar at the Music Conservatory of Brussels. He is a Postdoctoral researcher at CESAMM and is the director of MuziekMozaïek Folk & Jazz vzw. Filip is host of Ethno Flanders and member of the international Ethno Committee. He is also active as a musician, a.o. with his own band Filip Verneert & Enrique Simón Quartet. His research includes improvisation, (Folk) music education, collaborative creativity and community music with a particular interest in the social effects of collective free improvisation.

postal address: Academic Chair Jonet, Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Kunst & Filosofie, vakgroep Kunst-, Muziek- en Theaterwetenschappen, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41 - Technicum blok 4, 9000 Gent