Together with Guildhall School of Music & Drama and the SIMM research network, CESAMM-Centre for Social Action and Music Making organizes the 11th SIMM research seminar (Guildhall School, London, 8 and 9 September 2025) which will bring together scholars doing research on the role of different art disciplines (music, theatre, music theatre, opera, dance, visual arts, curating arts, design, circus) within participatory social and community projects. The facilitators of the seminar will be Prof. Dr. An De bisschop (Chair Jonet, Ghent University, BE), Prof. Sean Gregory (Guildhall School), Dr. Brigitte Herremans (Human Rights Centre, Ghent University, BE), Dr. Sophie Hope (Guildhall School), and Prof. Dr. Lukas Pairon (SIMM & Chair Jonet).

New Book project on participatory music practices in Flanders and Brussels
The new academic year has started, and we launch a new book project! Filip Verneert and An De bisschop will write and edit a book this year highlighting participatory and socially engaged music practices in Flanders and Brussels. We will make portraits of musicians active in the field on the one hand and of projects and organizations on the other hand. The aim of the project is to make participatory music practices more visible for a broader public. The written language of the book will be Dutch.
Are you a musician interested in being included in the book? Or are you otherwise involved in a participatory music practice that we should include? Below you find our open call, and here you find the link to a short info-form. We will contact anyone who submits an info-form.
This book we write together with the field of practice, so we thank already anyone in advance who wants to contribute or be included in our work.

23 September 2024, Concertgebouw Brugge (9h.-17.30h): HUB-meeting#5: Symposium Participatie in de kunsten. Praktijken-Weerstanden-Toekomsten (in Dutch!).

Together with our HUB-partner Concertgebouw Brugge, Impulscentrum Musica and many other organisations active in the field of Participatory arts in Flanders and Brussels, we organize this one-day symposium to share visions and experiences about participatory arts initiatives, and we give the floor to practices in the workshop sessions in the afternoon. The keynote lecture will be given by Sandra Trienekens (Urban Paradoxes, NL), the Round Table discussion will be moderated by Kristof Van Gestel & An De bisschop.
The Organisation of this Symposium is a collaboration between CESAMM, Musica Impulscentrum, Concertgebouw Brugge, ART BASICS for CHILDREN, De Figuranten, Cie Tartaren, De Veerman, Kunst in Zicht, MATRIX [Centrum voor Nieuwe Muziek], MetX, MUS-E, Wit.h en Zinneke.
You want to register for the day? This you can do using this link.