Public debate

The Academic Chair Jonet of the Ghent University (UGent) and University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HoGent)  aims to contribute to the public debate about social and community music-making, and about the social relevance of the arts in general, including scientific vulgarisation in mainstream media, public lectures, collaborations with the community of practice. 

We list our recent public activities below, starting with the most recent or planned activities

Upcoming activities

  • 23 September 2024, Concertgebouw Brugge (9h.-17.30h): HUB-meeting#5: Symposium Participatie in de kunsten. Praktijken-Weerstanden-Toekomsten (in Dutch!). Together with our HUB-partner Concertgebouw Brugge, Impulscentrum Musica and many other organisations active in the field of Participatory arts in Flanders and Brussels, we organize this one-day symposium to share visions and experiences about participatory arts initiatives, and we give the floor to practices in the workshop sessions in the afternoon. The keynote lecture will be given by Sandra Trienekens (Urban Paradoxes, NL), the Round Table discussion will be moderated by Kristof Van Gestel & An De bisschop. 

           The Organisation of this Symposium is a collaboration between CESAMM, Musica Impulscentrum,                Concertgebouw Brugge, ART BASICS for CHILDREN, De Figuranten, Cie Tartaren, De Veerman,                  Kunst in Zicht, MATRIX [Centrum voor Nieuwe Muziek], MetX, MUS-E, Wit.h en Zinneke.   

           You want to register for the day? This you can do using this link

           The complete program of the day you can download below: 

Past activities

  • April 2024, Brugge: We were asked by Concertgebouw Brugge to write an essay for a publication focussing on their participation initiatives and vision, since they are more and more investing in this type of activities. The text written by An De bisschop can be found in their brochure (pp. 32-38) or can be downloaded here: 

  • February 2, 2024, Ghent, De Centrale (10h-13h): : HUB-meeting#4_Skills and competencies in participatory music projects. Inspiration moment for musicians and music facilitators.                     In collaboration with our HUB partners De Centrale and Ha'Concerts, and with Muziekmozaïek we organised an inspiration moment for musicians and session leaders in participatory music projects. The event was introduced by Jo Gibson of York St. John University and An De bisschop of Ghent University with a lecture on skills and competencies musicians need in guiding participatory music projects. After this introduction we explored the results of the Erasmus+ project Crossing Borders, Sharing Songs by music organisations kleinVerhaal (Belgium), Flotsam Sessions (UK) and Orchestre Partout (Netherlands). Muziekmozaïek followed this project and compiled the lessons learned in an online publication. Among other things, it examines the methods used in these projects to create music with diverse groups.   The hand-outs of the lecture by Jo Gibson and An De bisschop, can be found here: 

  • November 28, 2023, Antwerp, De Singel (11h-13h): HUB-meeting#3: co-founder of the chair De Singel organizes the first annual meeting where musicians and social workers who are (or want to be) active in social participatory music projects in the region of Antwerp and surroundings can meet.
  • June 22, 2023, Brussels, Flagey (14h-16h): HUB-meeting#2: co-founders of the Chair Brussels Philharmonic and Klarafestival organize the first annual meeting where musicians and social workers who are active (or want to be active) in social participatory music projects in the Brussels region and surroundings can meet.
  • June 19, 2023, Ghent, HA' Concerts, Ghent (14h-17h): HUB-meeting#1: co-founders of the De Centrale chair and HA'Concerts organize the first annual meeting where musicians and social workers can meet each other who are active (or want to be active) in social participatory music projects in the region of Ghent and surroundings.
  • March 27, 2023, Ghent, Muziekcentrum De Bijloke: 'Homo Ludens' - An De bisschop and Filip Verneert give lecture 'Homo Ludens' on the role of play and improvisation in participatory music projects.
  • March 17, 2023, Concertgebouw Brugge / Klara Festival, Bruges : An De bisschop presents international comparative research on the work of musicians in participatory music projects during Echo, the annual States General of Classical Music.